

Sunday, 1 January 2012

A New Year Greetings to all

Maybe you're not close enough to hold your loved ones...


Perhaps you're not close enough to whisper 'I love you' to those that you cherish so dearly...

Maybe time crawls like a snail when you're waiting for something..


Perhaps it runs like a cheetah when you're enjoying an amazing moment of joy and happiness...
But I truly believe that things happened as the tapestry of greatness within, blessed to each one of us as a gift of life and hope...

By tears we cherished laughters...

By sadness we learned to spread our arms to hold...

By loosing we discover understandings..

And by counting the seconds to the years of our lives, we virtue the wisdom to believe that God allows us to experience HIS grand design to life itself...

New Year's eve are just another night..but it can be the new beginning for us to possess the faith that we have our share to build, to care and to hold others a little bit more every single day...

Have a full of blessed beginnings in this New Year of 2012...
May God be with each one of us...

always, withL.O.V.E
Lisa Fransiska Sitompul
January 1st, 2012

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